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Best Practices for Search Engine Optimization in 2022

Writer's picture: Yağmur SolakoğluYağmur Solakoğlu

If you're a publisher, you need SEO (search engine optimization) more than anything else. Increasing organic traffic in today's competitive environment necessitates paying attention to the proper advice and using the right plan due to the ever-evolving nature of search engine algorithms. In this post, we have walked through the best SEO practices in 2022.

Best seo pratices in 2022
Image: Stephen Philips - Unsplash

1. A/B Testing

I'll begin by discussing a few items that appear on the website itself. The first piece of advice is to try things out.

Because SEO is not something you decide on, then immediately apply, it's great that additional testing tools have been available in recent years. Implement, monitor, and then make judgments or course modifications regarding search engine optimization.

Should we scale this back or not? How does C compare to D? What option do you propose we go with? We can use all the testing strategies we discuss today to this mindset. Search engine optimization is highly intricate, and the conventional wisdom of best practices is no longer sufficient. In light of this, in 2022 you should adopt an approach to SEO testing.

2. Author Profiles

Secondly, the number of pages authored by the given author. This is fantastic, as Google just this year revised their recommendations for author pages and schema markup. For me and many of the websites I frequent, this is crucial. Google's evaluation of your authors, which can be utilized for E-A-T and other things, is aided by a high-quality author page that links them to their expertise.

An excellent author page, which you should use to link your articles, will have information about the author, links to previous works by the author, and a bio. It can help people recognize your authors as authorities in their field. Look at your author pages and see if there's anything you can do to make them better and make this a priority.

3. Eliminate the Unnecessary Details

If we're talking about meaningless details, perhaps 2018 is the year to finally eliminate all the unnecessary details from your SEO strategy. When I talk about SEO fluff, you understand what I mean. Those lyrical search terms are the problem. In particular, the aforementioned descriptions and recipe pages." I was out enjoying the Irish countryside when I started craving some fresh bread and biscuits "You're just making up meaningless words there. Evidence suggests it's not essential and may potentially hurt your SEO efforts.

To improve search results, Google is eliminating unnecessary text from title tags. You may be doing more harm than good with all this marketing, flowery, SEO writing you're doing. Currently, Google appears to favor sites that offer instant gratification in the form of quick responses and direct interaction.

When you have more interaction with your clients, everyone benefits. This is why in 2022 you should try cutting out the fat.

4. Schema Markup for Frequently Asked Questions

Different sorts of schema, such as "how-to" schema and "frequently asked questions" schema, were discussed at length last year. In 2022, if there were a winner, hands down, it would be FAQ. Because so many sites can use it, it's simple to install, and if you win a FAQ schema in SERPs, you may move up significantly in Google's results pages, FAQ is the clear winner.

As a result, there is a plethora of content dedicated to the topic of FAQ optimization. FAQs are a great place to find links, especially deep links. There is a wide variety of options available. You may find the relevant transcript links down below. If you aren't already, you should review your FAQ schema.

5. Answering Frequently Asked Questions

That's right, we're talking about exposing the stuff you have hidden away in your navigation tabs. In comparison to last year, we've made some significant strides forward.

So if you're still using tabs, that doesn't mean you have to delete everything, but you should look into whether or not Google can properly index and rank that information. This year there are greater tools available to try.

6. A Faceted Approach to Navigating

Similar to this idea is the use of faceted menus. Faceted navigation has been discussed for a long time, but this is the year to put some real thought into it. A rule like "if it has green clothing, we're not going to index this or crawl this," but "if it is size 12 or higher, we will index this," illustrates how faceted navigation has always functioned like a set of rules.

Because of the growing availability of technologies for sites like WordPress that allow you to see the traffic each page receives and index, crawl, and faceted navigation on a page-by-page basis, these blanket guidelines are becoming less and less relevant.

Using granular resources, you may drill down to the details and improve your traffic in that way. Although tabbed content and faceted navigation are both somewhat antiquated ideas, they are both undergoing significant development in preparation for their expected widespread use in 2022.

8. Optimization for Internal Links

One of the greatest methods to make use of the few quality external links you do have is to focus on improving the quality of your internal links. Recently, there has been an uptick in the release of ILO-focused tools and methodologies. We're talking about pages that have excellent potential but aren't ranking as well as they might because they have too few links, under-optimized anchor text, or both.

This is the year to do an internal link optimization audit and the best method to make the most of the links within your own site.

9. In-depth Referencing

So, to speak of profound linkage. In the past, a link to another page consisted solely of the URL. But deep linking, linking to specific paragraphs, text fragments, and the like for navigation and jump links, is on the rise.

This tactic is gaining popularity as a means of raising pageviews and sending signals to search engines like Google and Bing about specific sections of websites. According to Google's new passage ranking system, where they evaluate individual passages rather than the entire page, this is an important consideration. Also, they have the ability to comprehend specific portions.

In this case, deep linking, as opposed to simply connecting to the URL, seems to be an excellent tactic.

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